Tuesday 21 February 2017

Weekly News #19

Weekly News #19
Source: BBC News

Muslim teacher Juhel Miah denied entry to US 'not given reason'

A Muslim teacher denied entry to the US whilst on a school trip say's he has still not been told why. Before his plane from Reykjavik, Iceland to New York was about to take off he was escorted away by security staff. Mr Miah was in charge of a group of 8 children at the time and said there was a total of 39 children and 5 teachers on the trip. The teacher from Swansea has a valid visa until 2019 and does not have a criminal record, he said "everyone was looking at me like I had done something wrong"

This story is a representation of racism as the people at the airport escorted Juhel off of his flight just because he is a Muslim, no other explanation can be given as to why he was treated like this, Juhel said that "he would like someone to put their hands up and admit they made a mistake" after he was not given a reason as to why he was escorted off of his flight in February. The way he was treated was awful and the fact that the people won't even admit they made a mistake makes it even worse.

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