Sunday 19 March 2017

Weekly News #22

Weekly News #22
Source: BBC News
'Chatted up' tourist beaten by man

The women suffered horrible facial injuries
A tourist was repeatedly punched in the face after she rejected the advances of a man who followed her from a tube station. The 60 year old women was attacked on the 10th of march after she "politely" rejected the man attempts to "chat her up". Detectives are now appealing for information to fin the attacker, to aid the appeal the women who didn't want to be named released a picture of her injuries that she received after she was "grabbed from behind and repeatedly hit in the face".

This story shows representation of gender because the man attacked the women because she rejected his advances, this is also representation of ethnicity because the women who was attacked was a tourist. Lastly it is representation of issues regarding people being attacked as there was no real reason to attack the women and there also was no need to hurt her as badly as he did. 

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