Sunday 18 September 2016

Media Homework
Compare the This girl can video and the Victoria secret video.

Although the adverts are similar because we see women participating in several activities, the reality is they couldn't be more different. In the This girl can advert it shows a campaign in which they are encouraging women to partake in more physical activities and to be proud of who they are. On the other side we have the Victoria secret video which featured lots of women showing themselves off by wearing bikinis and posing in front of a camera.

The This girl can campaign video is clearly made to be motivational and inspirational to women. The video is diverse because it shows people of all shapes and sizes taking part in physical activities like: swimming, jogging and volleyball. This advert was also made by the national lottery so we know the advert was not made for the benefit of a company, it is purely to encourage people to get more active.

Whereas the Victoria secret video is made specifically by the company so they can get more publicity, a technique used in the video to attract attention is the use of attractive women so people watching the video think they will look like the models in the video, this is wrong because the company are exploiting the female body to make money. Also the use of women modelling in revealing clothing is used to catch the attention of men who could convince their partner to purchase from the company.

In conclusion, the adverts that could be seen in some ways as similar are in fact extremely different in the way that one is a scheme to encourage women and the other is a scheme that includes using women to sell products.

By Lewis Jordan

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