Wednesday 14 September 2016

Weekly news #1

Amazon's Echo speakers head to the UK and Germany.

Source: BBC News

I choose this story because i thought it was interesting that one single product was making headlines. Obviously there are a lot of speakers you can purchase but for some reason they want to make us believe it is 'different' from the rest. In one part of the article someone quotes that the product is so popular in America "because it's so easy to use" I believe this article is really just about amazon getting some brand exposure via a popular website as it is easy to describe something as "easy to use" for example my microwave is easy to use, but it's not got an article on BBC News.

I thought this article would be relevant to the media course because it is a brand trying to advertise their product using a news article to cover up the fact that it is basically an advert that is making you aware of the product and how great it supposedly is. It could also link to what we spoke about in class where big industries will do favors for other big industries in order to gain more:recognition, power and money. 

By Lewis Jordan

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