Wednesday 30 November 2016

Weekly News #11

Weekly News #11
Source: Sky News and BBC News

Former football coach Barry Bennell charged with sexual assault

Barry Bennell (63)
A former football coach has been charged with eight offences of sexual assault against a boy under the age of 14. The offences are alleged to have taken place between 1981 and 1985. This is following an investigation in to sexual assault in football after over 20 ex footballers have come forward and reported incidents with several different coaches. Bennell who is 65 years old has worked with Crewe Alexandra as a coach. He is now in custody but was in hospital in Stevenage after he was found unconscious on Friday night. 

I chose this story because it is a massive investigation in to the allegations and this is the first coach that has been identified and arrested on suspicion of sexual assault. This is a serious issue because in 2003 a scheme that was in place to protect children from sexual assault in football was scrapped by the FA. This reflects really badly on the FA and the sport as a whole. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Weekly News #10

Weekly News #10
Source: Sky News

Dating apps must warn users of dangers following
Stephen Port killings. say police

Grindr logo
Police have said that dating apps must take more responsibility for protecting their users following the Stephen Port killings, say police. On Wednesday Stephen was convicted of murdering 4 men and for a string of sexual offences. He met them through apps like Grindr and invited his victims to his house then: drugging, raping and eventually killing them before he disposed of their bodies meters away from his home. After this the met have now said they will revisit 58 unexplained deaths in recent years that included the drug GHB. The police have told the apps to issue a warning telling the users to "get to know the person not the profile"

I choose this story because dating apps are very popular now and are used every day by lots of people and it is so easy to get in touch with just about anyone and they are not always real people. Lots of people make accounts and arrange to meet people and attack them just like Stephen Port did. According to the article one of Port's victims was murdered within hours of meeting him, this just shows how quickly these things can happen. It is definitely wise to add messages in to dating apps to encourage people to really get to know someone before they go to meet them.  


Thursday 17 November 2016

Analysis of print based and audio visual examples

Analysis of print based and audio visual examples
Aldi Christmas advert- Kevin The Carrot:
The first thing I took from this advert was that it is supposed to be family friendly, you can see this because the advert is about an animated piece of food. This carrot in the advert is appealing to children because the idea of animated food is fun. I also thought that the idea of the living carrot could be referencing the magic that surrounds Christmas and therefore the excitement that children have around that specific time of year. Aldi are clever in this advert as they show lots of food obviously advertising there products and I believe they are suggesting that they cater for middle class families as the advert is set in a really nice house with lots of nice food and one specific part shows champagne on ice, all of this suggests the family in the house are middle class without introducing the audience to them at all. The audio in the advert is appropriate for the holiday because the dialogue is based on a Christmas carol. This is evident because the advert starts with the words "twas the night before Christmas" this tells us straight away that the advert is holiday themed, also there is a lot of rhyming in there as well which can engage people. Lastly you could say that despite the main character being an animated carrot  he is a relatable character, he struggles to get around the dinner table which symbolises the troubles of every day life and he eventually gets out of the house and therefore achieving his dream which could be giving a hidden message out to the people watching saying, never give up on your dreams.
The Aldi Christmas Advert is below 

Movie poster- The proposal rom-com

The first thing that jumps out at me when I saw this movie poster was that the man and woman in the picture are both smartly dressed suggesting they have good jobs and they are potentially middle class. The idea that the woman is proposing to the man in the image is unusual because traditionally men propose to women, obviously this is opposite suggesting that in the story the women is looking for the man which is the usually the stereotype used in these sort of movies. The background of the photo is just plain white, the colour white is associated with innocence which could further suggest the main characteristics of the protagonist. The colour white also has positive connotations which could be suggesting that 'the proposal' is the right thing, the idea that 'the proposal' is the right thing could link in to the overused rom-com stereotype that suggests that all women need a man to make there life complete. So although the colour white has positive connotations it could have a negative, sexist overtone. Lastly the colour of the font on the poster is red which obviously suggests love.
The poster for 'the proposal'
Poster for 'the proposal'

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Weekly News #9

Weekly News #9
Source: Sky News

Baby koala found in woman's backpack after traffic stop in Brisbane

Alfred the Koala
A 50 year old women has been arrested after traffic police found a koala in her bag. The officers pulled her over for a routine traffic stop and asked her if she had anything to declare, she handed over a green bag housing the koala that she had found the night before. She claims that she was looking after the koala bear but was still arrested by the police. The koala is thought to be around 6 months old and was taken to the local police station in Brisbane, Australia. A RSPCA Queensland spokesman said that the koala will soon be going to a carer and they have decided to call him Alfred.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Coursework (production)

Coursework (production)

For my Thriller film I have decided to make either a short extract from the film or a trailer because I have a good idea of what I want my story to look like and the locations and actors I want to use. I decided not to do print based work because I am in no way artistic and have next to no experience with Photoshop.

Weekly News #8

Weekly News #8
Source: BBC News

Croydon tram: Seven dead and fifty injured after derailment

Shortly after 06:00 AM on Wednesday morning a tram derailed by the Sandilands tram stop. The tram was heading towards Croydon from New Addington when the tram came off the rails. Seven people have died and many more are injured. The rail accident investigation branch (RAIB) have said that the tram was traveling at a "significantly higher speed than permitted" the actual speed limit at that specific part of the track is only 12 mph and the tram was supposedly going much faster.
Road blocked by ambulances and fire engines
The driver of the tram, a 42 year old man from Beckenham has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. Because of the derailment, tram services were stopped throughout the day causing massive amounts of traffic in and around Croydon and lots of people could not make it in to school or work. The roads were blocked around Sandilands with several: Fire engines, Ambulances and police vans.

I choose this story because the accident affected many people whether they were involved in the accident or stuck in the traffic caused by the accident, also tram services are used by hundreds of people every day. What made this news even more horrible for me is that I travel the same route to college every day and some of the people that sadly lost their lives lived locally to me.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Weekly News #7

Weekly News #7
Source: BBC News

Energy drink 'fuel hepatitis risk'

A 50 year old construction worker from Florida developed an "acute liver problem" because he consumed four or five energy drinks every day over a three week period. He sought help when he began developing vomiting, jaundice and abdominal pain. The man already had an underlying liver problem which the doctors say has been made worse by the consumption of the energy drinks. The patient originally thought he had the flu but tests showed that he had high levels of liver enzymes, which are a sign of liver damage
The kind of drinks the man was drinking

  • Vomiting: Ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin or whites of eyes
  • Abdominal pain: Pain in the stomach

I chose this story because lots of people drink energy drinks on a regular basis simply because they 'supposedly' give you an energy boost and because they are cheap. Although they may give you energy, they are very bad for the body especially if they are consumed regularly. This is only the second time this kind of problem has been reported but it would not surprise me if the number rises.