Thursday 3 November 2016

Weekly News #7

Weekly News #7
Source: BBC News

Energy drink 'fuel hepatitis risk'

A 50 year old construction worker from Florida developed an "acute liver problem" because he consumed four or five energy drinks every day over a three week period. He sought help when he began developing vomiting, jaundice and abdominal pain. The man already had an underlying liver problem which the doctors say has been made worse by the consumption of the energy drinks. The patient originally thought he had the flu but tests showed that he had high levels of liver enzymes, which are a sign of liver damage
The kind of drinks the man was drinking

  • Vomiting: Ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin or whites of eyes
  • Abdominal pain: Pain in the stomach

I chose this story because lots of people drink energy drinks on a regular basis simply because they 'supposedly' give you an energy boost and because they are cheap. Although they may give you energy, they are very bad for the body especially if they are consumed regularly. This is only the second time this kind of problem has been reported but it would not surprise me if the number rises.

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