Thursday 17 November 2016

Analysis of print based and audio visual examples

Analysis of print based and audio visual examples
Aldi Christmas advert- Kevin The Carrot:
The first thing I took from this advert was that it is supposed to be family friendly, you can see this because the advert is about an animated piece of food. This carrot in the advert is appealing to children because the idea of animated food is fun. I also thought that the idea of the living carrot could be referencing the magic that surrounds Christmas and therefore the excitement that children have around that specific time of year. Aldi are clever in this advert as they show lots of food obviously advertising there products and I believe they are suggesting that they cater for middle class families as the advert is set in a really nice house with lots of nice food and one specific part shows champagne on ice, all of this suggests the family in the house are middle class without introducing the audience to them at all. The audio in the advert is appropriate for the holiday because the dialogue is based on a Christmas carol. This is evident because the advert starts with the words "twas the night before Christmas" this tells us straight away that the advert is holiday themed, also there is a lot of rhyming in there as well which can engage people. Lastly you could say that despite the main character being an animated carrot  he is a relatable character, he struggles to get around the dinner table which symbolises the troubles of every day life and he eventually gets out of the house and therefore achieving his dream which could be giving a hidden message out to the people watching saying, never give up on your dreams.
The Aldi Christmas Advert is below 

Movie poster- The proposal rom-com

The first thing that jumps out at me when I saw this movie poster was that the man and woman in the picture are both smartly dressed suggesting they have good jobs and they are potentially middle class. The idea that the woman is proposing to the man in the image is unusual because traditionally men propose to women, obviously this is opposite suggesting that in the story the women is looking for the man which is the usually the stereotype used in these sort of movies. The background of the photo is just plain white, the colour white is associated with innocence which could further suggest the main characteristics of the protagonist. The colour white also has positive connotations which could be suggesting that 'the proposal' is the right thing, the idea that 'the proposal' is the right thing could link in to the overused rom-com stereotype that suggests that all women need a man to make there life complete. So although the colour white has positive connotations it could have a negative, sexist overtone. Lastly the colour of the font on the poster is red which obviously suggests love.
The poster for 'the proposal'
Poster for 'the proposal'

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