Saturday 8 October 2016

Film Analysis

Lewis Jordan

Analysis of the film 'Hush'


Equilibrium: The protagonist lives an ordinary life, she lives on her own in a little house in the woods. She lives in a secluded and quiet area which fits the character as she is deaf.

Destruction: SPOILER ALERT. We meet our antagonist, a masked man enters the film in aggressive fashion murdering our protagonists best friend just outside the window where our main character is currently cooking dinner. Killer then appears at window, masked and holding a crossbow and a knife.

Recognition: The protagonist comes face to face with the killer who begins playing mind games with her, he ends up in the house and our main character realises she is being played around with and knows she has to find a way to get out of this situation.

Attempt of repair: Main character decides she has to try and kill the murderer or get him caught, so she starts to write a description of him one her laptop, she then attempts to distract him and ends up stealing his crossbow but she gets severely injured during these events.

New equilibrium: SPOILER ALERT. Our protagonist ends up killing the antagonist, has to live the rest of her life knowing that she killed someone and she no longer has her best friend. Also the police arrive just before the end of the film which leaves us not knowing what happens when the police arrive.


Hero- Maddie Young
Hero- Maddie Young.
Helper- John Stanley attempts to help but fails.
Villain- Masked killer, only referred to in credits as 'the man'
The prize- To survive and get the villain killed or caught.
Mentor- Her intelligence and risk taking.
Donor- The villain when he drops his crossbow.
Blocker- Her inability to hear and a crossbow wound.

Binary Opposites
Good vs evil
Sound vs silence
Protagonist vs antagonist 

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