Friday 28 October 2016

Weekly News #6

Weekly News #6
Source: Sky News

Three out of four Britons are 'micro criminals'

According to a poll, three out of four people in Britain have committed a 'micro crime'. Most people do not realise they are committing these crimes because they are silly little things like paying cash in hand to avoid paying tax or illegally streaming movies and TV shows. A lot of people, including myself stream movies and shows on the internet to watch them as soon as they come out. According to the poll 78% of middle class people have committed a micro crime compared to 69% of working class people and Men are more likely to commit these crimes than women.

Eating items from pick and mix without paying  is a crime
Some micro crimes people are not usually aware of include: lying about someone's age to get a better deal, taking a plastic bag at the shop without paying for it and ordering something as take away so it costs less than sitting in. These are all crimes that are committed on a daily basis by nearly everyone.

Personally I do not believe that these crimes are serious and some of the activities shouldn't even be illegal. I think if the crimes were really that serious than the police would try and crack down on the huge amount of people that do it. I chose this story because I found it interesting how so many people commit crimes on a regular basis and do not know or do not care that they are doing it because they are minor offences.

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