Tuesday 18 October 2016

Weekly news #5

Weekly news #5
Source: BBC News

Heads go to Downing Street with 'dire' funding warning

Tanbridge House School in West Sussex
Lots of head teachers in England have written to prime minister Theresa May to warn her of a funding crisis that could lead to: reduced school hours, loss of staff and certain subjects being cut. Every state school in West Sussex has signed the letter asking for £20 million in emergency funds. Over 250 primary, secondary, special schools, academies and local authority schools claim that cuts will have to be made if they do not receive the £20 million emergency funding. According to the letter sent to the prime minister "schools are struggling to function adequately on a day to day basis.

I picked this story because this must be a very serious situation if so many schools have signed this letter to the prime minister. Also it is important that students have sufficient resources when going through school, I am sure a school that is limiting the amount of subjects it teaches and has to lay off several members of staff is not good enough to get their students through their exams. I believe the government should try to fund as many schools as possible because the support is needed to give all of the students a fair shot at succeeding at school.

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