Wednesday 4 January 2017

Weekly News #14

Weekly News #14
Source: The Guardian and The Sun

Bradford MP calls for calm after police shooting sparks protests

The MP for Bradford West has called for calm as dozens take to the streets in protest over the shooting of Yassar Yaqub by police. Most of the protesters covered there faces as they threw missiles at police for nearly 3 hours on Tuesday night. Yaqub, a 28 year old father of two was shot dead by police while he was driving his Audi sports car near Huddersfield. He is an alleged drug dealer who has been pictured with multiple sports cars and has been called "a flash git". He was also accused of flying drugs into a prison in Leeds via a drone because he could make twice the amount of money if he sold to people inside. A police operation that had been planning for weeks finally caught up with Yaqub on the M62 and pulled him over before firing 3 shots through the windscreen of his Audi killing him on the spot.
 Yaqub's Audi with bullet holes from the police
This story represents issues because the police have killed someone on the spot, the idea of the protests that followed was to go against the police as they believed that Yaqub was wrongly killed. I agree that perhaps the police should not of shot and killed him straight away, although it was discovered that he had an illegal firearm in his car there is not evidence suggesting that he would of used it against them and by the sounds of it he was not going to cause the police any harm.

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