Wednesday 18 January 2017

Weekly News #16

Weekly News #16
Source: BBC News and Disability news 

Bus wheelchair space case makes history at Supreme court

A disabled activist has won a Supreme Court case after a dispute with a women over wheelchair and buggy space on the bus. In 2012 Doug Paulley brought his case after he was refused access to a FirstGroup bus because a women with a buggy refused to make space for him. Doug's long running case became the first "disability discrimination in the provision of service" case in the Supreme Court. The court have said that the company should consider further steps to make sure that non wheelchair users understand and vacate the space for wheelchair users.

Doug Paulley
I think that the behavior of the woman that would not move her buggy was disgusting because she is in a similar position to this so she should understand that buggy's and wheelchairs deserve their own space, considering there is usually room for 2 buggy's or wheelchairs on buses I found this really disrespectful. I am glad that Doug has stuck to it all this time and has finally got the bus company to change a couple of their policies, he deserves a lot of respect for this, 

This story represents discrimination against the disabled because a woman who could of made space for the man in the wheelchair on the bus just refused to move her buggy, the fact she inconvenienced the wheelchair user so much just because she couldn't be bothered to move her buggy is disgusting. Also the fact that this case went to court represents issues because this had to be settled in a court of law.   

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