Wednesday 11 January 2017

Weekly News #15

Weekly News #15
Source: BBC News and The Independent

Man cuts own throat in Haverfordwest magistrates dock

Air Ambulance 
Lukasz Robert Pawlowski, 33, had pleaded guilty to sexual assault before slitting his own throat whilst waiting to be sentenced. He pleaded guilty to grabbing and kissing a shop assistant on the 30th of October. The court have no idea how
Lukasz managed to sneak the weapon in to the court because they have airport-style security scanners and security guards. After the incident he was taken by air-ambulance to Swansea hospital where it is understood he lost consciousness and a lot of blood but is now awake and receiving medical treatment.

Haverfordwest Magistrates court
I choose this story because I found it quite worrying that someone would try and cause serious harm to themselves in a court of law, also it worries me that a weapon was so easily taken in to a building that has "airport-style security scanners". This story represents issues in the way that he managed to take a weapon in to a court and also represents issues with Gender as he did plead guilty of  sexual assault because he was accused of forcing himself on to a women. 

On BBC News the story was presented as quite sympathetic and tame because they did not release many details about the event whereas the Independent went all in with the details and even included the quote "He went out, came back, muttered something then started slashing at his throat" in their article. The picture this paints is quite disturbing and makes Lukasz Pawlowski seem really selfish as he made people witness these horrific scenes.

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