Wednesday 25 January 2017

Weekly News #17

Weekly News #17
Source: BBC News

Fine firms for sexist dress rules, say's MP

MP's say that the government must enforce the law to ban sexist dress rules at work that discriminate against women. This follows the experience of receptionist Nicola Thorpe who was sent home from work in 2015 for not wearing high heels, she then set up a petition and got over 150,000 signatures. MP's have also heard from other women that they have been told to wear shorter skirts and to unbutton their blouse. The report has called for the Equality Act 2010 to ban discriminatory dress codes at work.

It is clear that business owners tell their female employee's to do this to get more sales from men who will turn their attention to the women who are being exposed. This is representation of gender and issues because business owners are taking advantage of women in order to make more money which is morally wrong. I think that these new rules should be added to the Equality Act 2010 because the issues need to be resolved.

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